Monday, July 18, 2011

My first Artyarn

My first week of Tour de Fleece has been filled with oodles of discoveries, eureka!s, reading, firsts and even some actual spinning. My favorite moment this week was learning to let go of the control factor and spin with the intention of imperfect. What a wonderfully freeing experience that was and the resulting yarn is my first ever artyarn.

I started with two lovely batts of fiber from another Sherry in CA.  Started spinning, drafting irregularly, letting the fiber spin as it was inclined with a modicum of control from me. I quickly realized the potential for creativity inherent in this type of spinning and started to experiment with different techniques. I wanted to find out what worked and what didn't. It's one thing to read about the different possibilities but something entirely different when you get your hands in there and the wheel is spinning and thinking is a luxury that time will not afford. You have to go with your gut. This time my gut was right. After spinning up the thick and thin the next bobbin was filled with a skinny single. Plied them together and and Voila! Mona Meta Monet was born, my very first artyarn creation. But it needed a companion yarn so out of the second batt I created a calmer, but still a bit bumpy, Mona's Manet.

Mona Meta Monet

Mona's Manet companion yarn

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Very pretty yarn. It looks soft too.