Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spinning in the Online Environment

When I took out my wheel to begin spinning again I had no idea the changed world of spinning due to the influence of the internet. I should have. I certainly knew of how much easier research had become on any subject but somehow I wasn't thinking about how much easier it would be to learn more about the old world craft of spinning.

Suddenly I realize how very little I actually know about the craft of spinning. The basics? Sure, I can make fibers stick together to form a continuous string of twisted threads that will snap back around themselves to form what is called plying. I end up with something that is knittable. I even ended up with some lovely fingering weight merino and tussah silk that turned into a beautiful wedding shawlette - but that was actually spun on a drop spindle now I think about it. I realize how lucky I was to achieve the results I did all those years ago but not surprised I was as frustrated in my efforts that I finally consigned it to the corner after the pain became extreme.

How to spin consistently or to a certain ratio; how to attain tpi (twists per inch); adjust tension; all that technical stuff...  I see now I was too impatient to get to the spinning to get into the learning of the craft. I also didn't know where to look and at that point in my life, well, let's just say it was a whole lot more complicated.

If there is one thing in life that disability teaches you, it is patience - and even that takes an inordinate amount of time.

Time is one thing I have in abundance now. I spend a lot of time on the computer and knitting which brought me to the social network known as Ravelry. If you're into fiber crafts and you don't know Ravelry, check it out at Ravelry  My life is much calmer as I've found that stress makes fibromyalgia flare up. Seeking ways to calm is what reminded me of the lovely state that spinning always put me in. So now my day is filling up with spinning related things. But where did I put all my stuff? And the local fiber shop closed years ago. Hmmmm.....

Online! It's all there online. Information, supplies, groups, friends, everything and everyone. It was at Ravelry that I learned about the Tour de Fleece and the Phat Fiber Sampler Box.

Ooooohhhh.... the Phat Fiber Sampler Box.... it will be arriving this week, my first ever of lusciousness from online artisans of fibery goodness. Want to know what it's all about? Go here: Phat Fiber

Thanks to the wonderful people I've met at Ravelry I've been encouraged to buy online and now I've got supplies winging their way to me so I'll be ready for the TdF. I've also been able to visit the local library from my home via the web and reserve the reference books I need for relearning to spin which is going to be a part of my TdF challenge.

I kinda like how my days are starting to fill up again with nice things that make me smile.

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